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Our Projects
What is outlined here is an overview of some of our current areas of activity and work and some of the rich international partnerships that we have engaged with. We will also provide an overview of some of our main areas of growth and development:
Current projects and partnerships
International implementation and roll-out of the REC-CAP: The work of ROI is primarily in three countries – the US, the UK and New Zealand.
We have a strong network of key international partners for our work.
In the US, we work primarily in partnership with Get Help, our technology partner through their Advanced Recovery Management System (ARMS). This has allowed us to implement the REC-CAP with five NARR affiliates in Virginia, West Virginia, Michigan, Maine and Washington. This has resulted in more than 20,000 completions of the REC-CAP including more than 12,000 where we have approval for use for research purposes. We have worked with these partners to:
Create a strong research and evidence base
To refine and enhance the REC-CAP measure and intervention system
To create a network within and between networks through a series of Communities of Practice (CoP
To test and develop new innovations some of which are outlined below
In the UK, we have three main partnerships, one with a Lived Experience Recovery Organisation (LERO) called Recovery Connections in the North-East of England, where the REC-CAP has been introduced across community and residential services in five separate locations and which is a central part of a key local initiative called Building Recovery in Middlesbrough (BRIM).
The second location is a residential rehabilitation service in the South-West of England called the Nelson Trust. Here the REC-CAP is being used as an outcome monitoring system where residents complete the REC-CAP at each stage of the treatment programme and twice further once they have returned to the community.
The final UK location is LEAP – the Lothians and Edinburgh Abstinence Programme (LEAP). Here the REC-CAP is being used to evaluate the effectiveness of a new initiative called the Peer Bridging Programme, a Scottish Government funded project to test the added value of enhanced peer support across the duration of engagement in a Lived Experience Recovery Organisation (LERO).
In New Zealand, our primary partners are Odyssey, a provider of Therapeutic Communities and community services primarily in Auckland but also throughout New Zealand. As well as using the REC-CAP as a core part of client engagement and outcome monitoring, including adapting a version for use with the Maori and Pacifica populations, Odyssey are also a core partner in testing one of the new innovations, outlined below, the Worker version of the REC-CAP.
All of the above activities are linked to our central product, the REC-CAP, designed both to monitor in real time progress in building recovery capital but also to guide and support a package of interventions to enhance that pathway.
However, the REC-CAP is now only part of a suite of activities and measures that we are currently testing.
These include:
H-CAP: A measure for assessing general wellbeing that is currently being tested as part of a general life coaching model and also used as a way of assessing changes in wellbeing in affected others. This is being done in partnership with one of our core partners: The Phoenix.
Worker REC-CAP: This is an innovative scale that assesses two things;
Where the peer worker is in their own recovery journey
The worker’s professional efficacy assessing their perceived ability to build the recovery capital of others
We are currently piloting this in partnership with four of our key applied
Recovery Corps (Minnesota)
Michigan Association of Recovery Residences (Michigan)
Recovery Connections (UK)
Odyssey (New Zealand)
Organizational REC-CAP: As part of an overall model to develop our ability to measure and improve recovery capital, we are focusing not only on people in recovery and peer workers but also on Recovery Community Organisations (RCOs) where the aim is to assess RCOs’ ability to increase personal, social and community capital.
Brief REC-CAP (REC-CAP-36): In partnership with R1 Learning, we are developing a brief version of the REC-CAP to use as a screening tool. This is based on the three domains of recovery capital (personal, social, community) with one question assessing barriers, one question assessing unmet needs and two questions addressing strengths in each of these domains.
Inclusive Recovery City (IRC) - US Network: An IRC is a community that actively supports visible recovery,
challenges stigma and discrimination, and champions diverse paths to addiction recovery through effective community engagement. The core idea is that by embracing these principles, there is a reciprocal role of the recovery community in enchancing the overall quality of life for the broader community and the entire city
can experience growth and shared benefits through new networks, connections, and resources. Learn more here